Well I made a few rather large mistakes on the Florida quilt. 1) I cut the blue border too thin. This is what happens when one does not follow a pattern and one thinks she is so clever but really is a quilting newbie (not that there is anything wrong with that). The border for the inner part of the quilt should have been 3.5 inches wide but instead I cut it 3.0 inches wide.....duh. Then 2) I sewed it on and ironed the seams so very nicely. I then laid it out to admire my handy work and.................oh crap.
Just add a .5 piece of yellow, like Dolly mom would have done. It will be fine.
I tore it off already......
I hate when I find out I'm not as smart as I know I am.
Bummer, but by the time I comment, you will have fixed it!!
I guess it is for humility that these mistakes happen. Hope you got it fixed ok.
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