Thursday, September 23, 2010

Art Journaling. Blue.

So I've wanted to do some art journaling, but I never know what to art journal about. I made this one a few summers back and it was fun. I recently came across this blog where the author, Diana Trout, gives what are called journal prompts.The first one was to take a handful of scraps of paper or fabric or whatever and just glue them down. Easy enough. I started with my mono-printed flower and just went from there. Most of the stuff just came from around my desk (and the floor). It ended up being a study of blue. Fun. Mostly mindless.Art Journaling.


The next prompt is to take your camera with you everywhere you went today taking random pics. Which I've done....and am doing.I don't know yet what we'll be doing with these pics....that's next weeks prompt. Looking forward to it!

1 comment:

Kathleen said...

All the blue is really pretty. Thanks for the link.