Monday, November 21, 2011

Odds and ends.

Here is what I worked on at the retreat: I started a queen-sized strip quilt from vintage fabrics....
....helped with the donation quilt. I brought it home to sandwich and quilt it. I'll bring it to our meeting on the 4th for someone else to bind it....I don't like doing that part:)

Also did a little quilting on this commission quilt.

My friend, Becky, came over today and we made the top for a dontion quilt. We plan to donate it to ICCPM (Illinois Coalition of Certified Proffessional Midwives) to auction at their gathering on the 4th of Dec.

Lucy, my sister Amy's dog, is staying with us this week. She tried to ....and it looks like she managed cram herself into Sophie's bed at the bottom of the stairs. I was cracking up. Sophie does not think it is funny.

 Holloween pics....better late then never.

 The booty. The kids got a ton of candy. We had pizza after trick or treating. Fun times!

Beautiful Jess.

These are some bags I made a few weeks ago. I plan to make more to give away.....hopefully before Christmas.

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