The lady across the steet....who is known to Chuck and I as 'stupid girl' but will be know in this post as SG....decided to stop paying her mortgage and abandon her house last fall. This house has since been foreclosed on. SG did not need to do this. She told me that she was doing it because she found a better place to live. I asked her why she couldn't try and rent it and she made an unsavory comment which I wouldn't want to share. Oh, and BTW she also took a trip to Ireland, jacked up all her credit cards and then filed for backrupcy.....and she is such a SG, she TOLD me all of this with a smile on her face. All I could think is...wow SG is going to run into some baaaddd karma. Oh and one more thing.....she shut the heat off when she abandoned the house and shortly after it got super cold and the pipes burst. The house flooded and is now in huge disrepair. It was and still is a cute house (from the outside at least). AAANNNYYYWWWAAAYYYY........She had planted some beautiful tulips and they were blooming on the front walkway so I picked a few. Is that bad? It felt kinda naughty but I did it anyway.
Sorry about the rant, it just makes me mad. I didn't plan on writing all this, it just spewed out my fingertips. People like her are making things rough for the rest of us. (and yes, I know some people are pushed to the wall and have no choice but to leave their homes, but SG had a choice) End of story. Now I must get back to quilting so I can calm myself down ;)