Lake Garcia. Our neighbors front yard which sits right next to our house. This is some of the water that seeps into our basement. Yea!
Ruined stuff from basement.
Chuck cleaning up shitty sewer hero.
So we spent about 12 hours yesterday cleaning the basement and keeping up with the new water seeping in thru the foundation. It finally slowed to a trickle around 6-7pm. The good news is that we were able to stop the sewer water when we noticed the basement was flooding in the early morning. All water that come after that was 'clean' rain water. We used the pumps from my birthing pool (yes, I'll be getting a new pump for the pool) to get the water out so at least we didn't have to bail everything...see, there's a bright side! We would push all the water to the low spot in the basement (where Chuck is standing in last photo) and then pump it out with a hose thru the window. We also threw bleach water all over, but will need to do a lot more of that today. Chuck was up every 1-2 hours throughout the night to check for flooding. Again, my hero!
Here's the forecast for us today:
rain... heavy at times... has overspread the area and will
continue through about midday today before tapering and ending
this afternoon. Widespread additional rainfall amounts of one to
three inches can be expected from midnight this morning through
this afternoon... with localized additional rainfall amounts of
up to five inches possible.
Now for all the good news thats fit to print...I mean blog. It could have sooooooo much worse. Let's make a list, shall we?
5) We could have not turned off the sewer valve until hours later and shit water could of been coming up the basement stairs.
4) We could live in Galveston, Texas. (I sure am praying for those folks)
3)If we weren't so blessed, Chuck and I wouldn't have Kenny and Amy to come and help us throw out our stuff and add a little comedy to the situation. (Amy walks in the house yesterday morning and says, "eeewwwww, who farted?! Thanks, Aim!)2) (This was going to be #1, but then I rethought it) We could have had our wedding this weekend like my mom suggested. (It would have been a lot easier for her to come to town for Gramma's party and our wedding if they were both on the same weekend. Instead she flew in twice. thanks, mom) I'm very glad I didn't listen to that suggestion!
1)We wouldn't have Jesus to look over us and protect us.
"For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
Jeremiah 29:11
(Thanks Auntie Kathleen)
Another list in no particular order.
I am Grateful for....
....having a beautiful home (even tho the basement has flooded 3 times in the last 1.5 years.) husband, hero and Superman,Chuck. family and friends. relationship with God. health.
....all my craft stuff. friend Jennifer for understanding if I can't come to work tomorrow. (call me in the afternoon and I'll let you know)
...did I mention all my craft stuff?
So there you have it. I'll let you all know how today goes.