Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Square Foot Gardening

 This could also be titled, "My Husband has lost his Freaking mind." He does not know how to do anything small. It's always GO BIG or do nothing at all. There are 6 beds measuring 4 feet by 5 feet plus a row of beds along the fence and in between each big bed. They are marked off into 1 foot squares. Each square can hold up to 6 plants depending on what it is.....allegedly. Tomatoes get their own squares, but spinach gets 9 plants for one square. 2 cukes gets 1 square...I don't know how that is possible....they spread all over the place. I really think its going to LOOK LIKE A FREAKING JUNGLE by August. Any way, Chuck swears he has it all under control. We shall see.

Chuck is pretty awesome, so it just may work ;)

The Square Foot Gardening Bible.

Chuck's been toting it everywhere with him. Mel Bartholomew is his new BFF. I wonder if Mel knows this.....

I'll keep you posted on the progress thruout the summer.


janet l moran said...

we love that book, we have a small square foot garden in our back yard but nothing compared to the one you have...I have square foot envy:)

Kathleen said...

WOW!!! Yes, keep us posted! I love that this post includes the 'I am grateful' tag.

Emily Smeltzer said...

Go Chuck! Your garden looks wonderful - what are you going to do w/all your produce?

(The cucumbers will be trellised, if he listens to Mel. Makes picking them infinitely easier.)

Leila said...

My husband would be totally jealous.

Karen said...

Emily...we'll be sharing with ALL our friends and relatives as well as the Willow Creek food pantry.

Amanda Drietz said...

Oh How fun!!! I love it! I cannot wait to see how it grows! I have begun box gardening this year and have had so much fun with it so far-I will have to get that book!

Peggy said...

Hi- We are also into square foot gardening. We have seven square foot boxes and have all of our tomatoes, peppers and a bunch of other things growing already. Two of the boxes are just for my flowers and the flowers love all the compost. This is the best system we have found for gardening.