Step 1: Observe beautiful fabric and decide you're going to cut the crap out of it.(and not be afraid)
Step 2: Cut 5 of the 8 fat quarters into 6 1-2 inch squares. Randomly sew squares together. (you are becoming less scared of beautiful EXPENSIVE fabric)
Step 3: Get crazy and cut triangles. (You are now a brave, fabric cutting goddess)
Step 4: Randomly sew triangle halves together. Ta Da!! Now realize you don't have enough fabric to make anything bigger then a baby blanket and fret about ordering more beautiful, EXPENSIVE Amy Butler on-line....(to be continued).
It's washed. It's ironed. Now I have to cut it. I'm so nervous. It's such expensive fabric. I'm going to cut 6 1/2 in squares for a finished 12 inch block. I'll let you know how it goes........
.......while they were there, the time came for the baby to be born, and she gave birth to her firstborn, a son. She wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn.
I'm making little xmas stockings. As I was chain-sewing the tops, I realized I made some really cute bunting! The pic below is how they look when they're done.
....a special order of snow! Just for you! Looking forward to seeing you....don't forget your mittens! might want to bring a shovel, too. I love you! PS: There's more snow on the way!
It snowed a meager 3.5 inches on Tuesday......It felt like a lot more, but I measured it (that too much time thing again). It took Chuck 3 and 1/2 hours to get home. Today all the weather people are screaming about another storm that is headed our way. 7-12 inches of the white stuff is what they're calling for here in Elgin. Oh.... and a layer of ice, too....yippee! Shoveling all that snow has GOT to make my ass smaller, right?!
Well, I finally found my LQS (Local Quilt Shop). It's over in Carpentersville about 7 mins from my house.It's called That Quilt Shop. I spent the afternoon there yesterday. They had a small class teaching reverse appliqué which was cool. The lady that owns the quilting side of the shop (its a sewing machine store as well.....I'm sure they'll be convincing me I need a new machine soon!) is super nice and was really helpful. I spent way too much money....including purchasing a $30 walking foot which they assured me I couldn't possibly live without. Also bought a 1/4 inch seam straight stitch foot which I don't know how I lived without. It really helped sew a straighter line.I'm going back today for another little class today if I don't have to work.
The girls were in a dance recital last weekend. Grace was an angel....(which we already knew) and Jess was a sweet little mouse. They both played their parts well.
Words to describe me: Mom(to Eric & Danny),wife(to Chuck),Auntie(to Grace, Jessica, Jack),big sister (to 5 sibs),crafty, scrapbooker, new quilter. Homebirth nurse/baby catcher,friend (I got a pocketful of friends!), early morning person,coffee drinker (all day!)happy,and much more to be added later...oh yea...I love books and wine and Jesus!