Wednesday, February 28, 2007

...last Feb post

....February is almost over.....spring is just around the corner. There was thunder and rain and snow today. Got some packing done this am...packed up my craft looks so bare. i think I'll unpack that stuff first at new house....
...had a good with the twins today...they really do cheer me up if I'm crabby when I get to work...nothing else to interesting going I really need this blog?....Hi Danny boy!!!

Tuesday, February 27, 2007


....closed on both houses yesterday....what a pain. It's so stressful even tho you know what is going to happen. Drove over to house after 2nd close and had supper on floor with sweetie in front of fireplace....was nice. Car got stuck in snow in new driveway....stay tuned for pic. New neighbor pulled me out and saved me 70 bucks on tow truck....thanks Eric and Katie (new neighbors) looks great...can't wait til I'm out of townhouse and into new house. Scary but exciting. Big move this weekend.....

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Could it be a worse weather day for moving stuff....there's about 4-5 inches of wet, heavy snow on the ground this am. it was raining on top of that and the roads were really crappy. Chucks van was slipping and sliding in our new driveway and it almost fell off the narrow ledge that separates our property from the property next its sleeting outside....can spring be around the corner....with weather like this it doesn't seem to be.....hopefully when we move the big stuff next weekend it will be a little nicer outside....

Saturday, February 24, 2007

My craft room!!!!

here's my new craft space...its huge!! There are a bunch of built in shelves...awesome! There are some of my odds and ends that can't wait to be in the new room.

Our New house

Did a final walk thru today and took a few pics.....its so CUTE!!!! Shown is a pic of LR...isn't the floor pretty.....the kitchen is super small, but opens up to DR and has a skylight...hopefuly it will work for us. Closing on Monday@ 3...yea!


Moved a bunch of stuff from Donegal garage to new garage in Elgin today....omg, do I have a lot of stuff....most of the stuff in the pic is craft stuff.....i'm really going to have to go thru all of it and get rid of some things.....maybe.

Friday, February 23, 2007

A few favorite places.....

....had a wonderful day as I visited all of these places today which are some of my favorites. Signed the papers for the sell of TH....yea....Had lunch with some of my favorite people....spent too much $ at Walmart & Scrap Shack....hmmmm did I lose the pic of Srap Shack....anyway still figuring out blogging....

....moving tomorrow. Still have a ton of packing to do. Didn't think I'd be moving so soon...but very excited....

Selling the townhouse

I'm off to sign the papers to sell the TH and have lunch with Mary and Amy and the kids at our favorite place....Sweet Tomatoes....My friend Amy calls it Stuff and Puff...which is a good way to describe the place as you are stuffed when you leave....more later and hopefully pics.....i'm getting a new camera other two are broken...thinking about investing in a nice one....we'll see.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Srcap Inspiration

I found this scrap artist who I want to be when I grow is some of her stuff. I just like how funky and kinda messy it is. Her name is Elsie Flannigan...she just published a book and has a lot of her stuff in CK mag....also she has her own product line. Check out more of her stuff at the web site

Thinking about posting some of my stuff on this site...I guess the scrap mags get a lot of their content from this web site.....

More inspiration..

Still trying to figure out how all of this blog stuff works....anyway, messy craft room. i like to have all my stuff out in veiw so i can see what i have....altho, i better start packing. Can't wait to do up my new craft room at house in Elgin.

Will be posting some scrap pages this weekend...I need to download my other hard drives onto this computer. is that the right terminology...I don't know. I told Chuck this morning that I want my computer to work like my always works right and I never have to think about it. Unlike computers which always seem to have glitches.....I get so pissed when the stupid machine doesn't do what I want it to do.


A few things that inspire me.....the tulips Chuck gave me for val day were looking kinda sorry until i put them on the floor and looked down at them....they're still beautiful.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

keep watching my site...I'll be adding pix of whats going on in my crafty world (does anyone but me care? hmmmm). I mostly want to use this site to post my art projects and to add links to things that inspire my art. Knowing me, the novelty of having a blog might wear off before I even get a chance to start this thing....

New Beginings

Just discovered blogging......a beginning of a whole new world.....and a continuance of karens world. Moving to new house (above) this weekend with my prince in shining armour...I Love You begininings. Yea!